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Mission Statement

As an Oil and Gas Land Brokerage firm, we pride ourselves on being a one-stop shop for all your land service needs. Be it one service or our entire package. Our areas of expertise utilize proven procedures, customized in relation to your needs, to offer you the most financially savvy, quality experience conceivable! We are not searching for a transient relationship. We are searching for an enduring relationship. That is the reason we deliver best in class service.


Our acquisition process ensures that acreage is purchased quickly, efficiently, and accurately.  Terra Point Petroleum goes the extra mile to reach our client’s goals, meeting our acreage requirements and surpassing industry standards and expectations.  We do it faster, cheaper than most.


GIS Mapping

Our advanced system flawlessly integrates database and revealing/map visuals. There are no holes between maps and supporting documentation. Our database refreshes every time information is changed or added to the system.



Terra Point Petroleum, LLC landmen and women comprehend the significance of precision in finishing chains of title and in finishing their research in an acceptable time.   JBA is experienced in all areas of title research: mineral title for leasing, surface title, title curative and sovereignty run sheets.



We’ll likewise give administrations to the Green Energy industry, including wind and sun powered ventures. We give title and research investigation, site area reviews, cost projections, right-of-way appraisals, acquisitions, and archive readiness.


Time Sheet/Billing

Our independent contractors enter their time and expenses directly into the project so we can accurately show costs to the different AFE’s.  Time is entered, receipts are uploaded, and a project invoice is generated with ease.


Unit designation document

Unit/Well Information

With a click of a button, all lease information, ownership, NPRI’s, tract factor and unallocated acreage, Ownership Percentage, and more.  Unit Designation documents attached to unit information.  XY coordinates can be entered for wellbore location.